Tuesday 1 November 2011

Knitted Knugget.

This little guy went to Wales with me and stayed there...

His name is Meemeemee.

He resembles a chicken nugget, and is about as complex as my knitting gets.

Saturday 29 October 2011


I can just about spell Aberystwyth now, so here is my post about this postcard, which is not actually mine anymore, it was bought off ebay, framed and given as a present.
As I am a Nottingham girl, when it arrived it made me happy to see that it had been sent from Aberystwyth to Nottingham the first time it was sent, and I was giving it in reverse!

I visited Aberystwyth last weekend, it technically wasn't the first time I had been because I went when I was little with my parents, but I don't remember it at all, so I'm counting last week as my first proper visit. 
It was lovely. I hope that I will be going back a few more times too.

Not my best photos, as it was just a compact camera, didn't take my slr with me, wish I had though because the weather was lovely, I'll be taking it for some better shots next time!

The Old College (building from the postcard)

Thursday 27 October 2011


Over the past few years I have been collecting old postcards, the criteria being "Places I Have Been" or "Place I Want to Visit".
I like to find them myself really, in flea markets or second hand shops, but I have done a bit of ebay searching too, but only when I am looking for something very specific, it is more fun to find them!

I think I am building up quite a nice collection and thought I would share...starting with somewhere that fits both criteria as I have already been many times but would go back again tomorrow if I could, St Ives in Cornwall.

This card is an ebay find, think it's the most expensive card I have bought (still only a few pounds) but I love how the stamp is on the front instead if the back?!
The other reason I wanted this card is because it is of my favourite part of St Ives, the two cottages that are directly on the beach. I would like to live there, but you can rent them as holiday cottages, so I will settle for that one year!

These two were from the St Ives flea market which is on during the September Festival. The top one was the better find, as I spent too long going through a shoe box full of cards...only St Ives one in there. It is one of my favourite for that reason!

Found in a brilliant Aladdin's cave flea market in Brighton, can't remember what the place is called but it is amazing, it has room after room of the most random things to get lost looking at. I've put images of the backs on too even if they aren't written on because I like the type design, some are (almost) as nice as the fronts. This one is nice as it has "Best Wishes from" at the bottom, wish postcards today had that, it is so sweet.

Another unusual ebay purchase, thought it was an interesting picture, shows the scary St Ives seagulls!
I love what is written on the back, I am complete agreement with what Lucy says on her card, and I never want to leave either!

And as I said, I am lucky enough to have been here, so  here are bits of my visits to St Ives...

...And that is why it is my favourite place!

Saturday 15 October 2011

New book.

I saw this book at the Tate in St Ives and I decided it's rrp was a little pricey, and after trying (and failing) to be creative and make our own lists on the car journey home (blaming the fact we had a mammoth journey which fried our brains) when I got home I looked on Amazon and found it for half the price!

Listography is a journal about your life, but in list form with things like "places you've lived" and "the most memorable friends from your past". Each list has an illustration too, some are very odd indeed...
Can't wait to start filling some of it in on my first visit to Aberystwyth this week :)

Friday 14 October 2011

Crazy Hair.

When I was camping in the New Forest earlier in the summer with someone lovely, we found a little horse with too much hair and we named him Crazy Hair.

So, I wrote my first letter to the someone lovely to let him know that I was missing him, and so was Crazy Hair...I scanned it because I was scared Royal Mail would lose it like they did my V-day card from Nicole!


I returned from my annual trip to Cornwall a few weeks ago and since have been feeling very inspired!
I have done a few new pieces, using paint as well as stitching this time, I like how they turned out.

Most exciting news is that I now have a lovely Facebook page with all of my current work on it, all available to buy!
The address is www.facebook.com/pinkcouch take a look and see what you think!

Monday 26 September 2011

Christmas in September...?

I hate seeing Christmas things early, but I'm hoping this Robin isn't too Christmassy really, however, if you know my parents, it is highly likely that you will receive this little guy on a Christmas card this year, by order from my Mum.
I did him a few weeks ago not long after the Blue Tit as I wanted to try out the colour technique on another bird.

I have just got home from a week in Cornwall, looking at lots of art, and beautiful things and places so am feeling very inspired, lots of things to come in the next few weeks....

Monday 22 August 2011

Commission mark 2.

This is something a little different that I have done for a woodland themed nursery. Was really pleased with it, especially after painting the frame, was hard to say goodbye this time....!